Well, it was. Generally much busier than I have been in the last two weeks. The problem lies in the fact that after a nice long day at work... I have nothing to write about!
Seriously, work doesn't generate that much cool blogging worthy content. I guess the call that I got at 2:30am this week. But no one really wants to hear about logistics. It's kind of the hidden world of behind-the-scenes-ness. Maybe that's why I like doing it so much. Because truly I enjoy it. Getting to be In Charge of where and when things happen and trying to make sure everyone else understands the Big Picture. But really not that much cool story worthy stuff. Which really only leaves the weekend to generate Hey Look at What I Did! type material. And last weekend was busy!
I joined the Mormon Choir of Washington when I got out here and had three rehearsals before our first concert. Lucky for me I learn music pretty quickly. It's easy when you're a soprano :) So last week we had two concerts, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. I will admit, humid hot is really hot when you're also trying to sing worth anything. The Saturday concert was outside and it was HOT!!!!!
Afterwords, I went to the Fairfax County Fair (Celebrate Fairfax!) with my aunt and uncle.
Steve won me this cute caterpillar because I started singing Tim McGraw at him (you guess which song!)
Cute huh?
We also heard The Bangles in concert (who are they right?). They were popular right around the time I was born... Although they said they're releasing another album this fall, so maybe I will learn who they are. As it was, I recognized Manic Monday and Walk Like an Egyptian. From commercials with those compilation of classical rock hits CD's. Yes indeed, I get out a lot ;)
The concert on Sunday kind of took up the whole afternoon. I understand why call time is an hour and forty five minutes before our performance, but it is still a lot of time to wait around. I'm glad that ward choir isn't that way though. I'm going to have a hard enough time being there at 7:30am next week!
We had another concert yesterday out in Winchester. Boy is the stretch of freeway running out there really pretty! Once you get out past Gainesville, it's pretty much all trees and farms and such. So even near the Nation's Capitol it doesn't take too long to find wilderness. Maybe just a little longer than when I lived in Utah.
Dave's Corner: As far as he'll tell me he's doing well. Busy with boring stuff. He teases me about being better at logistics than me since that's what he's doing too. Except I can actually tell people what to do and they'll listen to me. And he has to try and make people think he knows better than they do without making them angry enough to dismiss his idea without consideration. There are so many perks to being a civilian some times.
Stella's Corner:
Stella has a love hate relationship with the East Coast I think. She loves the squirrels
but the hot does get a little much for her. She spends a lot of time laying on my tile floor trying to soak up the coolness. Next week I am going to try one of the no leash dog parks in the area. See if she is really as anti-social as I think she is.
well, ttfn! ta ta for now!
none of your pictures work :(